He Knows…
God knows exactly how to push me! He gets under my sink and it forces me to move. A few years ago I would have been throwing a fit like really?? Why?? Why me?? Can’t this be any easier?? When in all honesty I asked for it. I prayed for an Extraordinary Life!
For this to manifest that means I will be pushed into a lot of things/situations. We recently traveled to Dallas for Market and what I thought would be an easy task to registered it wasn’t. I’m a black woman! I’m a black woman with an Interior Design DEGREE! I’m a black woman who also plans weddings because they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! *Inserts eye roll. Hence the name of company LA Weddings & Interiors, LLC. In his time I will be able to state something else, but that experience was just another push for me to get it done. I’ve bust my butt to get where I’m at today. And today with the looks and questions of is this really what I do? I know I’m no where near the end of this on going battle, but I’m here for the fight.
Lauren Ashley and Kerchalyn
Every time I talk about my first experience it brings me chills. It’s the game changer. Push past fear and if you need an extra push purchase my eBook. It’s an easy guide on how to navigate #HPMKT and how to do it on a budget. Outside of designing space and events. My purpose in life is to push people out of their fear as I constantly do the same for myself. If you are new designer or even season designer and never been to High Point Market GO!