The Blog
My love for this industry all in one place!
We are talking interior deisgn, weddings, events, design tips & tricks, plus FREE guides and more!

I Dream of Furnitue

Design Diaries: Lessons from the World of Creativity!

I Dare to Want More!

A Seat at the Table
LIVE in the NOW
Back then I was single as I am now….

Upgrade Your Guest Bedroom
I felt l needed to share how you too can achieve an elevated space, but on a budget! — Lets work

ASID 2022 Show House
I selected the laundry room because I wanted to linger on the people’s mind. “If she could do this to a laundry room what could she do with a bigger space” — of course with the right budget *Wink.

Per usual #HPMKT owes me NOTHING. This go around I was able to join Mr. Design Incredible, Don Ricardo, and High Point By Design on the Hummer Tour. During this tour we toured 12 showrooms at Hight Point and I’m going to point out a few of my favorites.

Assignment Understood!
This collection after seeing it in person all represents each designers Voice their unique design styles. Beautifully crafted and a job well done. But TOV didn’t stop there! They threw the best launch party that I’ve seen in a longggg time! To top it off they enlisted a Black Event Planner, Jeanette of J.L. Evans When I met her and she told me she was doing the party, I almost passed out! TOV UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT! From the DJ to the bartenders! I’m getting chills just writing about it. They didn’t just stop at the Designers! The inclusivity was divine!!!!

#HPMKT owes me nothing!
#HPMKT2021 owes me nothing! I was able to spend some time with the team, meet some wonderful new people, hang out with a few of my favorites, and personal reflect on my own design journey.