He Knows...Part 2

He Knows Me Better Than I know Myself…Seriously! 

I’m going to get candid, but your girl doesn’t like flying. I know a lot of people are looking like 😳 or 🧐 but it’s the truth. The older I get my nerves are shot and turbulence don’t get me started.  Yes, this is coming from someone who’s constantly on a plane. In the last 24 months I’ve been all over and out the country. Yes, this from the designer who traveled all the way to Alaska and Mexico last year.

During my time at the post office I applied to become a flight attendant. Made it to the second round of interviews and was told no. Let me tell you all I didn’t take it well. I didn’t understand why not!!! If you’ve been following me for a while you know I’ve applied to multiple jobs and was turned down. Read blog “Purpose” if you’re new. Now I know He knew that wasn’t a fit for me. He knew at first someone would have to assist me if the plane goes down LOL. Seriously, I would get comfortable in the routine and be ok. I didn’t get it until recently. I don’t like to fly, but I’ve prayed for an extraordinary life. That means I’ll be put into situations that make me uncomfortable. I say all this to tell you what’s for you is for YOU. And sure enough what’s for me is for ME. It’s easier said, but I’m understanding this now. It’s not going to miss me and it will be right on time when I stop fighting my own process. 

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